Thursday, August 19, 2010

All things summer!

I can't believe we've almost reached the end of summer! Labor day is right around the corner, which means pants and jackets, sweaters and cute scarves and no more open-toed shoes!

I love summer and I'll miss it all!

Beautiful sunsets!

The beach!

My pup, Roxy loves summer too!

Fresh veggies from the garden!
Also my 'week in the life' feature on this week:
A Week in the Life of a Betty

Summer concerts
Tim McGraw and Lady Antebellum this year!

More beach!
Newport, RI with friends

Who doesn't love summer?

Betty Blogging!

Okay, so BettyConfidential just launched their new blogging community. We're still in the pilot phase and it's a lot of testing things out, but here's my blog:

Life ... in the fast lane?

The Betty Fan Blogs are more love+sex+relationship focus, which is why I'll keep this blog. Come join us though! It's a great community!

Be a Betty Blogger!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

My fabulous new nail polish

It's been a while so instead of letting my blog fall into the black hole (like my previous 5,683 blogs did), I'll write about this fabulous new nail polish I just put on.

Part of Orly's new Cosmic FX Collection: Space Cadet

* Pardon my unprofessional camera phone photos *

It's really cool looking though ... with a purple, green, teal sparkle. I love it. Bravo, Orly, Bravo!

"Green with a purple gold"