Thursday, October 15, 2009

Balloon Boy

I couldn't help but write a post on the famous balloon boy, or lack there of. For the past two hours, the news and social media worlds have been blowing up over a 6-year-old boy, who apparently got into his father's homemade air balloon and took off over Colorado. As I continued to refresh my Twitter stream, @NBCActionNews @cnnbrk @ABC and basically any other news station known to mankind was constantly tweeting about the latest updates regarding the floating UFO look-a-like. Since the majority of the updates were concern for the 6-year-old boy that was inside the balloon, it was quite a relief when the balloon landed and there was no sign of the child. That was, until people starting questioning whether or not he had fallen out. At one point, it was said to have been at 8,000 feet in the air!

Right now, the trending topics on Twitter are #balloonboy, #saveballoonboy, Falcon (the boy's name), Colorado, Balloon Boy, CNN - Wow! I won't even count the number of posts I've seen on Facebook! The power of social media, ladies and gentlemen.

I'm sitting at work and as customer's filter through the store, some have mentioned hearing the story on the radio, while others overheard someone else talking about it. It's just crazy how a story like this makes its way through the public that quickly.

Let's all hope and pray that Falcon is hiding out in his basement. Until then, I hope everyone keeps their negative questions and comments to themselves.

The latest from CNN:

UPDATE (6:32 PM):
According to CNN, Falcon Heene (better known as, #balloonboy), was found alive. He was found in a box in his family's attic.

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