Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Favorite PR Newsfeed

So, sometimes I find it hard to open each and every e-mail from the daily newsletters and newsfeeds I get, but I must say that I do find myself opening Ragan's Daily PR Newsfeed every day. With exerts from other blogs, Job-of-the-day and the top stories, you can get almost everything you need in one stop. Although news and articles are never ending, I usually like to start my day with this feed (and of course, not rely on it as my only source of information).

For example: Since I'm a recent college graduate who in continuously applying to public relations firms, today the newsfeed had a blog post from PR Breakfast Club (another great PR blog): "5 Tips for Interviewing at a PR Firm" - Could not have been more perfect. Obviously I clicked, and each different point brought up different things to be aware of. This one especially caught my eye:

Know Social Media:

Not every agency knows HOW to use social media successfully, but by now they all know that it’s important. This means that there are many companies who are looking for new, young people to bring in a different perspective and hopefully help them catch up with the future of the industry" [from PR Breakfast Club]

I thought this was very interesting because when you Google or research interview tips and things like that, social media isn't at the top of the list, but in PR these days, it's almost crucial. It's really quite strange how generations can be so different. I think if I said the phrase "social media" to my parents, they would tilt their heads to the side and question my odd statement. "Yes, mom ... something with Facebook," I would reply.

Oh, the changes ...

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